Quinn's Story
We've had the Icare from the Duke Icare Lending Library for a while and it's been great to be able to track my 5-year-old's pressures at home. But I only really understood what a blessing the Lending Library has been for us when my son's pressures spiked and were all over the place after a recent eye surgery. Not only were we worried about his eyes, but he was also miserable with a terrible headache due to the sudden pressure changes. With Dr. Freedman's help I was able to monitor him from home and adjust his medications accordingly, sometimes with several changes a day, based on the readings I got. After a couple of days his pressures were under control and he was back being his normal self. I don't know how we would have handled this situation without the ability to assess his pressures at home and the Icare probably helped preserve his eye sight and definitely saved my sanity! It's unbearable to see your child suffer without being able to help or do something about it – but thanks for the Duke Icare Lending Library I CAN do something to ensure the best outcome possible for my son.
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